- 公佈日期:2017.06.13
投稿規則Author Information
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics (TJO), the official journal of the Taiwan Association of Orthodontist, invites the contributors to submit the following types of articles related to basic and clinical orthodontics:
1. Original article: the scientific reports of the results of original biomedical research.
2. Review article: an academic review to summarize the current state of understanding
on a topic.
3. Case Report: a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and
follow-up of an individual patient.
Submitted manuscript must be original, written in English, and not published or under consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors and reviewers and are subject to editorial revision.
To submit an article, please send the electric files through the website: www.tao.org.tw
Contact information:
Managing Editor, Miss JW Wang. E-mail: tao.taiwan@msa.hinet.net
Editorial office, Taiwan Association of Orthodontists
11-3th Floor, No. 352, Sec. 1, Fushing South Road, Taipei 106, Taiwan
Telephone: 886-2-27025499
Before You Begin
Ethics in Publishing
The TJO requires compliance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki on medical research protocol and ethics. The Institutional review board (IRB) approval of the study protocol of the research is highly suggested.
Informed consent and patient details
Appropriate consents and releases must be obtained where an author wishes to include case details and images of patients.
Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted). An academic English editing certificate is requested when submitting the manuscript.
Preparation of Manuscript
Please note that correct preparation of the manuscript by the author will expedite the reviewing and publication procedures. Articles, including all tables, must be formatted in a recent version of Microsoft Word; the manuscript must be double-spaced. The use of appropriate subheadings throughout the body of the text (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) is required. The body of the text should be limited to 2000 words.
1. Title page. The title page should include the title of the manuscript, the authors’
names, degree, titles and affiliations in a separate file. The corresponding author contact information, including complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, should be provided. The running title abbreviated in less than 40 letters is requested.
2. Abstract. Structured abstract should be submitted for original and review articles in
the following format and limited to 300 words. Case report abstract should not be structured. Purpose, includes one sentence of background statement; Patients and Methods; Results; and Conclusion. Keywords less than 5 are requested.
3. Manuscript. The full-length manuscript should be organized in the following
sections: Introduction and literature review, Materials (Patients) and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Tables and Figure captions. Refer to teeth by their full name or their FDI tooth number. Cited reference selectively, and indicate references by superscript number in the text. Make sure all references have been mentioned in the text. Submit figures separately; do not embed figures in the word processing document. The case report should be organized in the following section: Introduction, Case Report (including Diagnosis, Treatment objective and plan, Treatment progress, Treatment result), Discussion, and Conclusion.
4. Figures. Digital images should be TIFF or JPEG format, more than 300 dpi. For
best results, avoid screening, shading, and color backgrounds. If a figure has been previously published, the legend must give full credit to the original source. Be sure you have mentioned each figure, in order, in the text.
5. Tables. Tables should be self-explanatory. A brief table title should be put above the
table. The table footnotes should be under the table, not table cells. Submit tables as
text-based files and not as graphic elements. Number them in numerical order that
they are mentioned in the text.
6. References. Number the references in the list in the order in which they appear in the
text. For journal reference, give author’s name, article title, journal name as abbreviated in Index Medicus, year, volume and pagination, using Vancouver Citing & Reference style. For example: Xun C, Zeng X, Wang X: Miniscrew anchorage in skeletal anterior open-bite treatment. Angle Orthod. 2007; 77:47-56. For books, give the author’s name, book title, location and name of publisher, and year of publication, for example: Bagheri SC: Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Case-based Approach. 2nd Ed. St. Louis, MO, Mosby, 2013; pp 33-38, 59.
7. Copyright. The undersigned author(s) transfer all copyright ownership of the
manuscript. Please download the form at www.tao.org.tw.
After Acceptance
One set of page proof (in PDF files) will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. A download of the free Adobe Reader, version 9 or higher is required to annotate the PDF files. You may also list the corrections quoting line number and return them to the editorial office.